Scottishdogs Blog

Happy Haircut!

Posted in Brushing,Derby,Dogs,Haircuts,Hector's Diary,Scotti Dog Blog,Scottish Terriers by scottishdogs on October 4, 2011

So, yesterday my hoomin decided my hair needed a trim.  She used the clippers last used to do hoomin-cub-we-love John’s hair (which worried me slightly, what if it has his germs????  His last shower reportedly being on 1st January 2011!!!!!!!!!)  Anyways it has been a long journey for da lady-what-feeds me to acquire Scottie-Cut-Skills (and she STILL has MUCH TO LEARN) but she getting better! 

She does flat back, is improving on how to do the sides and is a complete novice as regards da face as it never really looks right.  Butt! She has decided “I needs to grow my furinge and beard and have a short skirt” (as I gets messy – down there) and she no likes this kind of mess!!!!!  (And neither do I, want a skirt, that is).

It is difficult to get a shot of ‘just me’ as Lucy tends to get in on my act! 


The tail work is improving and all in all, we think with three dogs to trim she might will get better as she gonna have lots of practice.


Have a lovely day today!


PS:  John has since decided he NEVER wants mum to use the snippy machine on him again….!