Scottishdogs Blog

Funny Friday

Posted in Derby,Hector's Diary,Moore Lane,Osmaston Park,Scotti Dog Blog,Scottish Terriers by scottishdogs on April 23, 2010

Bonny almost did it today!  We rounded a corner and there sat the most beautiful black CAT and Bonny went “Whoosh” and tried to bite her head off!!!! The black CAT, who is obviously lucky, managed a quick dash across the road to safety.  It was not Margaret (she is all patchy) but another CAT from the ‘hood.  Bonny will get her next time, I am sure ….
Meanwhile we want to tell about ANOTHER rescue (bit of a theme this).  Approximately four months ago, we were walking with Cookie Mudpuddle and Maddie Whiplash when we suddenly realised our numbers had grown by one.  A new and very thin dog.  Our humans searched high and low for the owner of this nice friendly dog, but came up with no-one. There was a lot of searching and organising twixt this and now and I shall not bore you with the details, but Diane called the dog Muffin and Sassy’s human Anne offered to give MUFFIN a home!  Now, four months later Muffin has a gleaming coat, Sassy has a new housemate whom she likes (mostly) and Muffin has had all his shots, a chip inserted in his neck and he follows his human everywhere.  When mum asked Anne if she had anything to say she said “Rescue a Dog – there are lots and lots who need new homes”.  So there we are.  Another rescue with a happy ending and here are the pics!

Here is Muffin when he was first rescued. He was thin and his coat was dull.

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  1. Kendra, Daisy and Bella said,

    Lucky Muffin knew where to go when he was lonely. We love a happy ending. AND full marks to Bonny! You go, girl.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendrra & Bella

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