Scottishdogs Blog

Wednesday’s Walk

Hello Everybuddy!

What is better than having three furiends?

Hmmmm? What is better than having three furiends?


Why having FIVE of course!

Here is our furry friend who has spotted us – can you see him?

Zak in distance


Zak is furiend to my wimmin and he would be furiend to me too, but I is awful jealous and have to be leaded up while he nearby.  The girls, my wimmin, are really too awfully furiendly with him….

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Zak is really lucky to have L. as she gets up every morning (early) to give him walk – whenever he sees us he comes to say hello, and L. gives us treats, and I get put on lead (cos I want to bite him cos I cannot be trusted to behave) and he too nice for that.

After that (and once I had calmed down), we tootled off and she managed to get a photo of us all (SCORE) in one frame!

Yep, that is us, heading for home!

I am glad I didnt bite Zak….


Hector and Gang

Lady – A Tribute

Posted in Derby,Dogs,Hector's Diary,Lady,Osmaston Park,Scotti Dog Blog,Scottish Terriers by scottishdogs on January 14, 2012

Goodbye Lady…


It is with a heavy, heavy, heart I write this and everyone we see regularly on Osmaston Park on our walks will feel the same.  Shortly before Christmas a regular walker called John ambled along with his dogs Lady and Prince in the evening when it was dark – this was unusual for them as a morning walk was the norm, but his work pattern had changed due to Christmas.  A man and a toddler were walking their brown Staffie near the Community Centre, when for no reason the Staffie went for Lady who is a friendly, petite Poodle.  She didn’t stand a chance.  Furthermore, the while the (stupid, useless excuse for a human being) Staffie’s owner stood rooted to the ground, poor John had to pick up the todder (who was trying to stop the fight) instead of rescuing poor Lady.  John saved the toddler, as the dogs (once in a fight) may well have turned on her, but in doing so, he could not defend poor Lady.

The vet did what he/she could.  But it was no good, the ‘throat throttle’ had done for Lady.  We are very, very sorry John (and Mrs John and Prince too), we know how sad you are and feel very deeply your loss.  It is our loss too, Lady was the friendliest, nicest poodle we had ever met.

These are our memories of her, made sad as alas, we have no photographs of this beautiful little girl. 

  • Lady running across the park to say hello
  • Lady leaning into our hoomin’s leg – friendly
  • Lady ambushing Prince (or visa versa)
  • Her beautiful dainty legs – and her speed
  • Those bright brown eyes – intelligent and keen
  • Seeing Lady nearly every day
  • Liking Poodles, because of Lady…
We don’t know who the owner of the Staffie is but we hope he feels really bad.  Really bad.  How does he know his toddler is safe?  How does he know it won’t do it again?  How did his staffie become a killer?  Many will agree that Staffie’s can be really great family pets.
Sweet pretty lady, we will miss you always and hope your time at the Rainbow is filled with bliss and joy.


Since Lady’s attack a staffie killed a Jack Russel Terrier on a park in Belper. 
But let’s not blame the dogs.  It is stupid owners who who are to blame.


Osmaston Park and Shadows

We set off

You know it is hot right now so she took us for late walk last night and it was magical.  There was a breeze, all the people were friendly and we showed Lucy around and had fun.

Come on Mum - Or is that an Alien??

Once we got used to the giant (alien) shadows, the lessons began. First lesson was how to make furends….

Lucy learns to make new friends with dog friendly peeps Catherine and Sarah (?)

Lucy turns out to be pretty good at the friend making thing…. in fact, she a natural!  Our hooman  has to peel her away from folks with treats, which is ok, cos we all get ones (even Bonny).

Next up it was where to find water…



Then there was a game of chase…

Lucy chasing Bonny

Then after an hour or so we all gets ‘leaded up’..

Will I be big like you one day, Hector?

Dis Way (not dat way)

Lucy follows Bonny everywhere – and Bonny looks after her – our human thinks we have bonded well…..with Lucy, that is…although there are times…

When I likes Bonny too!






As far as I am concerned once you have seen one puppy, you have seen em all…but the women in my house have gone all doolallytap about this little urchin.  Why she gets so much fuss? All she do is sleep!


And Bonny, who was a bit sniffy at first, thinks the world of her!

Lucy is at that early stage of development when things are exciting like mops…

And everyone (‘cept fer me) gives her a round of applause for doing a pee….

Especially if she do it outside!

Then there is that poor rubber chicken…

She been giving that a real bashing!  (Why, it even lots its squeak – orrrr that might have been me actually dont quite remember…)

And to top it all off, she even found my first little red collar (when she was looking for gardening gloves) and Lucy looks really great in it.  Just like I did when I was a little man!

Yeah, that’s me above all fluffy and cute!

Meet Major..

Posted in Derby,Dogs,German Shepherd,Osmaston Park,Scotti Dog Blog,Scottish Terriers by scottishdogs on August 22, 2010

Think it going to be dull morning..

Today looked like it was going to be dull..

But then we met Major, the German Shepherd we have the pleasure of watching grow up.  He is six month’s old now and very well-trained.  I did my utmost best to distract him, but he too good, so I joined in and was good myself!…

Major is trained at : Sit, Come, Down, Give, Find, Sound and many other commands we can’t even remember! His owner planning to move onto “controlled aggression” so his family are safe.  All we can say is Major is great to be around, he plays, is friendly, is fun and totally gentle. 

Have a Happy Sunday everyone

Hector and Bonny too!

PS:  In case you were wondering, Bonny not in pics, she on lead cos she naughty (again).  Woofs and Wags, Hector xx

Scotties at Play!

Posted in Derby,Dogs,Hector's Diary,Osmaston Park,Scotti Dog Blog,Scottish Terriers by scottishdogs on August 20, 2010


We had a great play today!  I found an empty bottle and the game began! 


,,,and started a game



Then the game begins...


 I runs and gets it while Bonny hatches her plan... 

Even Bonny joined in…after her roll 

A quick roll first, to limber up


First she assumes Ambush pose

See the tilt of those ears…she is after me,  and I loves it! 

She doesn’t want the bottle….she wants me!

Have a lovely Friday everyone and see you at the Wedding!

Woofs and Wags
Hector and Bonny too!


Wonderful Wednesday

You know, I have a good life…  Waited on hand and paw by her (mum), ready fun-time playmate with her (Bonny) and a place to hang and chill with furiends like Monty, Marne and Dali.  Favourite watering hole is Osmaston Park Community Centre in Derby UK, they walk round the park and chat a lot while we do sniffles and snoofles rootling about looking for vermin and dog things.     Then we rest up while they chat a lot more…  Favourite topic this morning was her skinny leg jeans (please) and the fact that Kevin Costnernot’s nick name for Bonny and me is “the Kray Twins”  (why?  No idea…!!!) and which one of us is Reggie and which one Ronnie? 

We ain’t complaininfg though –  today is Wonderful Wednesday!


Thank you for dropping by

Hector and Bonny too!  (AKA the Krays)

How would you feel?

Posted in Derby,Dogs,Hector's Diary,Osmaston Park,Scotti Dog Blog,Scottish Terriers by scottishdogs on August 17, 2010

Both Sassy and Muffin have been rescued by Anne

Bocci’s owner has asked fellow dog bloggers to publicise Inernational Homeless Animas Day (press link to read about it:

We want to tell you why this is important.

Now then, today I am going to be really serious ok?  My human and her friends often always walk on Osmaston Park twice daily and last winter they rescued four dogs who had been abandoned.  Now, considering the fact that Bonny and I set up a good howl when mum just pops out to the shops, I cannot even begin to imagine how a dog whose family takes him/her to the park and then drives away might feel – devastation?  Fear?  Hunger?.   Two of the rescues went back to their owners.  Above you can see a picture of fellow dog lover Anne who has taken in two rescue dogs.  One of which, Muffin (black) was one of the dogs we found.

Rescue 1:  In the coldest week of winter Bonny flushed a Gerham Shepherd dog out of the hedges that line the park.  This poor abandoned creature roamed the park daily, not leaving it, just hoping to find its family.  She took food up nightly but worried about water as all the ponds were FROZEN!!! Friend Jane who keeps Gerham Shepherds finally (after five days – we just couldn’t catch it) rounded up this poor dog, took it to the Community Centre where they gave it bread and milk (that was all they had) and the dog warden came and collected it.  Turned out this dog was chipped and the owners had been looking for it….??

Rescue 2:  Muffin, black dog above with his lovely new furever mum, Anne.  Again it was a really cold phase of winter when we slowly realised another dog had joined our group.  Friend Diane wandered the park looking for its owners.  She took him home (for lunch) and then again, wandered park with Muffin (who she named) searching for his peeps.  Muffin was a sad skinny dog but friendly.  Eventually she had to take him home and after communications were set up with Dog Warden, Anne volunteered to keep Muffin.  He now has all his boosters, flea treatments, wormed, and is beloved dog belonging to Anne.

Rescue 3:  Yorkshire Terrier.  Owners had already reported him missing and Dog Warden was pleased to reunite dog and family.  Good result.

Rescue 4:  Jack Russell.  Owner soon found (was on park looking) but this dog not chipped and if mum had actually taken him home Dog Warden would have been unable to locate owner.

So now you know why we agree with Bocci, Mayzie and Maggie Mae that funding must be there so people like Dog Wardens can do their job, and so homeless animals can be found loving homes like Anne’s .

Can you imagine how it feels to be a dog who is abandoned?


PS:  Unofficial rescue team:  Jules, Diane, Anne, Jane, Claudia and my hooman and the guys at Osmaston Community Centre. 

PPS:  If you have a dog and you cant cope (financial/behaviour issues etc) we understand.  But please think of welfare of your animal before DUMPING said dog.  Get help.  Please do not dump your dog.

PPSS:  Links to local rescue centres are detailed on right hand side of the blog permanently.  You just need to scroll down and press your chosen rescue centre.  There is no shame in asking for help!!

Sorry Sunday

Our hooman was very late getting up today so I was delighted when Claudia popped in with her two Shitzoos Dali and Marne.  They drank coffee and smoked for a while and then we walked to Osmaston Park which is lovely in the sunshine.  We pottered around like dogs do, when two boy cub friends appeared with their lovely Westies Harry and Fluke.

All seemed well but I did something naughty and now I am in trouble.  Harry is possessive of C. and I like C. a whole lot and we got into a FIGHT!!!  Claudia pulled me off but I bit Harry’s ear and we are very very very sorry! 


Thursday’s Thrash

Today we played our favourite game – bitey face– we not sure who won, but it was fun!

Later played with a plastic bottle and had a chasey game with Monty the Springer Spaniel.  He won that!

Now we waiting for eldest girl cub Clare (who does not like dogs!!!!!!) to come over for a visit.  We always like to make her feel really welcome, but somehow, she doesn’t always appreciate this!

Have a good Thursday everyones.


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