Scottishdogs Blog

Wednesday’s Walk

Hello Everybuddy!

What is better than having three furiends?

Hmmmm? What is better than having three furiends?


Why having FIVE of course!

Here is our furry friend who has spotted us – can you see him?

Zak in distance


Zak is furiend to my wimmin and he would be furiend to me too, but I is awful jealous and have to be leaded up while he nearby.  The girls, my wimmin, are really too awfully furiendly with him….

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Zak is really lucky to have L. as she gets up every morning (early) to give him walk – whenever he sees us he comes to say hello, and L. gives us treats, and I get put on lead (cos I want to bite him cos I cannot be trusted to behave) and he too nice for that.

After that (and once I had calmed down), we tootled off and she managed to get a photo of us all (SCORE) in one frame!

Yep, that is us, heading for home!

I am glad I didnt bite Zak….


Hector and Gang

A Fourth Scottie!

Posted in Companionship,Derby,Dogs,Hector's Diary,Lucy,Scotti Dog Blog,Scottish Terriers by scottishdogs on September 5, 2011

Did you know we have a fourth Scottie?  He does not say much and is a bit tinny but I likes him all the same.

If you look carefully, you can just see him in the window.  He has a tartan coat and I think his name is Angus.  At Christmas he was full of biscuits but now he empty and sitting there advising local peeps we is a Scottie House.

On our morning walk it was windy and leaves have already fallen on the ground all crunchy and new, even Bonny enjoyed crunching along among them.  Autumn is a coming folks, get our your coats,hats and scarves.  Bring it on!

Now must sleep tho –

Have a good day everyone!


Wordless Wednesday….The Plan


Find out tomorrow what these three were up to….


Osmaston Park and Shadows

We set off

You know it is hot right now so she took us for late walk last night and it was magical.  There was a breeze, all the people were friendly and we showed Lucy around and had fun.

Come on Mum - Or is that an Alien??

Once we got used to the giant (alien) shadows, the lessons began. First lesson was how to make furends….

Lucy learns to make new friends with dog friendly peeps Catherine and Sarah (?)

Lucy turns out to be pretty good at the friend making thing…. in fact, she a natural!  Our hooman  has to peel her away from folks with treats, which is ok, cos we all get ones (even Bonny).

Next up it was where to find water…



Then there was a game of chase…

Lucy chasing Bonny

Then after an hour or so we all gets ‘leaded up’..

Will I be big like you one day, Hector?

Dis Way (not dat way)

Lucy follows Bonny everywhere – and Bonny looks after her – our human thinks we have bonded well…..with Lucy, that is…although there are times…

When I likes Bonny too!




Today’s the Day the Rough Patch Gets it!

Today is the Day the garden gets a blitz and the person who is coming to help is Becky, Middle Human Cub (above with Dougal and Max – from Litter 2011).  It is the rough patch at the back with blackberry brambles, nettles and other unpleasant stuff!  Personally, I can’t wait to see what they find – balls, boots, heck there may even be a dead body!  No one, not even Bonny the Brave ventures in the rough patch at the back.




Posted in Bonny,Companionship,Derby,Dogs,Hector's Diary,Scotti Dog Blog,Scottish Terriers by scottishdogs on May 9, 2011

Getting ready for guarding duties...


I thought you may like to know how Bonny, the camera shy, is these days.

We are pleased to say that she is back in peak condition and doing the kind of things Bonny does.

Like keeping an eye on the neighbour….

 and chewing her blue ball (made out of heavy duty rubber – she destroys plays with two a week).

We went to the vets, (a family outing) and he said she is very fit but she weighs in at 11.75 kg which is a whole kilo heaver than me and nine kilos heavier than Lucy.

So our hooman has stopped giving her treats!!!! and she is back to taking us for two walks a day, in a bid to lose the extra pound or two all round.  Even poor old Lucy gets dragged around lovingly carried around the park so she gets used to people and trees and stuff.  Bonny does not like the camera still (she thinks it going to steal her soul or something).

But Lucy and I don’t mind one bit!

Woofs and Waggles, Hector and co  XX

A Visit

Rebecca the middle hooman pup came to visit me yesterday.

Everyone was really pleased to see her and while I distracted her…

Lucy checked her bag for treats!

And even tho she found none, she posed briefly, (she always busy moving) with Becky for a nice little shot.

While I (making mental note) hid my disappointment well….

Wonderful Wednesday

You know, I have a good life…  Waited on hand and paw by her (mum), ready fun-time playmate with her (Bonny) and a place to hang and chill with furiends like Monty, Marne and Dali.  Favourite watering hole is Osmaston Park Community Centre in Derby UK, they walk round the park and chat a lot while we do sniffles and snoofles rootling about looking for vermin and dog things.     Then we rest up while they chat a lot more…  Favourite topic this morning was her skinny leg jeans (please) and the fact that Kevin Costnernot’s nick name for Bonny and me is “the Kray Twins”  (why?  No idea…!!!) and which one of us is Reggie and which one Ronnie? 

We ain’t complaininfg though –  today is Wonderful Wednesday!


Thank you for dropping by

Hector and Bonny too!  (AKA the Krays)

No Ring Needed

Posted in Bonny,Companionship,Derby,Dogs,Hector's Diary,Scotti Dog Blog,Scottish Terriers by scottishdogs on August 14, 2010



When she (Bonny) frist came to live with me and my mum, I did not really like her.  Maybe it was the way she gave me “the grin of death” on arrival, or the fact that “playing with a toy” (mine) meant destroying it.  So initially, I put-up-and-shut-up and hoped she would go home, you know, back to her home (this was MINE).

Bony in front and me (Hector) behind

Bonny has been with me a year now and I realised recently, I have grown to love her.  Here is why:

  • Safety:  Bonny usually distracts potentially dangerous (bigger) dogs  we cncounter by barking at them – thus drawing its predatory attention from me.
  • Trouble:  Bonny always gets blamed for destructive events (emptying bin over carpet, eating post etc) thus letting me get away with it on rare occasion it me what-dun-it.
  • Fun:  Bonny plays the best game of Ambush/Bitey Face EVER and I loves it.
  • Discipline:  Bonny now on chain of shame too (he he he)
  • Love:  She always checks I am ok – several times a day.
  • Company:  She cries when mum goes out and joins with good howling session – why we even in harmony now!

So that is it.  That is why it has suddenly crept up on me, that nowadays I really feel settled with my girl.  No ring is required for this kinda love. She’s mine, and I am her’s.

Bonny on "chain-of-shame"

Waggles and Swaggles


Thursday’s Thrash

Today we played our favourite game – bitey face– we not sure who won, but it was fun!

Later played with a plastic bottle and had a chasey game with Monty the Springer Spaniel.  He won that!

Now we waiting for eldest girl cub Clare (who does not like dogs!!!!!!) to come over for a visit.  We always like to make her feel really welcome, but somehow, she doesn’t always appreciate this!

Have a good Thursday everyones.


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