Scottishdogs Blog

Wednesday’s Walk

Hello Everybuddy!

What is better than having three furiends?

Hmmmm? What is better than having three furiends?


Why having FIVE of course!

Here is our furry friend who has spotted us – can you see him?

Zak in distance


Zak is furiend to my wimmin and he would be furiend to me too, but I is awful jealous and have to be leaded up while he nearby.  The girls, my wimmin, are really too awfully furiendly with him….

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Zak is really lucky to have L. as she gets up every morning (early) to give him walk – whenever he sees us he comes to say hello, and L. gives us treats, and I get put on lead (cos I want to bite him cos I cannot be trusted to behave) and he too nice for that.

After that (and once I had calmed down), we tootled off and she managed to get a photo of us all (SCORE) in one frame!

Yep, that is us, heading for home!

I am glad I didnt bite Zak….


Hector and Gang

5 Responses to 'Wednesday’s Walk'

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  1. Hey there scotties, do nice to meet you

  2. Daisy said,

    Four in the frame!!! We are impressed. Sounds like you may be right about Zak, Hector. Better be wary.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  3. Chancy and Mumsy said,

    You are just wantin’ to protect your wimmin sweet Hector. I always has to stay on the opposite side of the fence as Baby Boy ’cause if I get close to Angel he thinks I am coming to take her from him. That is a great shot of you and your 3 wimmin. Hugs and nose kisses Chancy

  4. Dougall said,

    Geez you’re lucky… All those wimmon!!

  5. Mr H said,

    so many scotties and such nice places for walks.

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